How To Get Pre Approved for A Home Loan in 15 minutes How To Get Pre Approved for A Home Loan in 15 minutes How To get pre approved for A Home Loan in 15 minutes. Congrats you are in the market for a home its a very exciting time for you. The first step in the home buying process is to get pre approved for a home loan. In today’s fast passed home shopping market homes go very fast when they are priced well. When viewing properties you will either need to supply your Realtor with proof of funds if you’re paying cash or a home loan pre approval letter. Without either of these most Realtors will not show you any homes as they don’t know what or if you can qualify. To start the process give our office a call at 602-753-5182 or visit us online at and click the apply online tab. Please have the following items ready: -Copy of your last 2 years personal and business tax returns if applicable -Copy of your last 2 years w’2s or 1099s -Copy of your last 2 pay stubs -Copy of your last 2 months bank statements and any other documentation that is going to be use for assets for a down payment. Once again congrats on being in the market for a home. My team is in place and happy to assist with any questions you may have. Ryan Mandley Sales Manager Dream Home Funder – AFN, Inc 480-203-6263 Call / Text To see my latest reviews… Iconic Rate LLC. Click to Call or Text: (480) 203-6263 This entry has 0 replies Comments are closed.