Cash Out Refinance for Christmas! Get a Cash out Refinance For Christmas! You still have time to get Cash for Christmas! Are you carrying balances on high interest credit card debt? Are paying anywhere near the minimum payments on your credit cards? If so it can take up to 25 to 30 years of payments and you will have payed thousands of dollars in interest. If you have equity in your home we can show you how to use that equity to make 15-25% return on your money depending on what interest you are paying. We can also show you how by making your currently monthly payment on the new loan, you can pay off your loan much faster and save thousands in interest. Just as a reminder here are the cash out refinance limits for each loan type! -FHA Cash up to 85% Loan To Value -Conventional Loans Cash up to 80% Loan To Value -VA Home Loans Cash up to 100% Loan To Value -Fixed Rate 2nd Mortgages now available To schedule a free consult visit my online at , email me, Call / Text 480-203-6263 Have you or someone you know been turned down for a home loan in the past? Give us a call we have loans for all types of situations. Ryan Mandley Sales Manager – American Financial Network – Dream Home Funder Team Iconic Rate LLC. Click to Call or Text: (480) 203-6263 This entry has 0 replies Comments are closed.